
The MGS would like to thank our sponsors for their generous contributions. Thank you for investing in MGS’s mission.

Silver Sponsors

Bronze Sponsors

Interesting in becoming a Sponsor?

Sponsorship is integral to our ability to serve our community.

As an Annual Sponsor, advertisers obtain the following perks:

  • Custom ads included in each issue of the MGS Newsletter (minimum of 6 issues per year);
  • Company logo or name included in a slide at the beginning of each MGS talk
  • Company logo or name and links to the sponsor’s websites on the new “Sponsors” page of the MGS;
  • An annual posting of appreciation on the MGS Facebook page, with links to the sponsor’s preferred social media page or website

Diamond Sponsor: (Full Page ad) – $65.00/month     ($780/year, paid annually)

Gold Sponsor:  (Half Page) – $35.00/month    ($420/year, paid annually)

Silver Sponsor: (Quarter Page) – $18.75/month    ($225/year, paid annually)

Bronze Sponsor: (Business Card) – $8.50/month  ($102/year, paid annually)

To become a sponsor, contact the MGS today.